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七草粥(ななくさがゆ)という言葉を聞いたことありませんか。1月7日に無病息災を祈って、春の七草を入れて炊いた粥です。正月に疲れた胃袋を整えるために食べます。 最近では、スーパーに「七草セット」が売っていて便利です。

「セリ・ナズナ・ゴギョウ・ハコベラ・ホトケノザ・スズナ・スズシロ」、子どものころに一生懸命覚えた春の七草の名前です。 草の名前は、実はそれぞれの植物の名前になぞらえた、縁起の良い語呂合わせの呼び方になっています。







1月  1日     元旦

1月  8日(火)   新学期

1月 14日(月)  成人の日(祝日)

2019年 初心にかえって新学期を迎えましょう

(December, 2018)

Do you eat soba (buckwheat) noodles? In Japan, we eat soba on New Year’s Eve. It has been our custom since Edo period. There are several origin stories. Some say people wish their thin and long lives just like thin and long soba noodles. Others say soba noodles are easily cut and people hope their hardship and debts should also be cut off before the New Year. Either way, we eat soba noodles wishing a happy new year. There are families who cook year-end soba at home as well as ones who order delivery soba. New Year’s Eve is the busiest day of the year for soba restaurants.

Sanuki area in Kagawa prefecture is famous for udon noodles. They eat udon on New Year’s Eve instead of soba and eat another udon on New Year’s Day. Now you know how much they love udon there.


Sunday, December 2nd           JLPT

Friday, December 22nd through Monday, January 7th        Winter Break



Bear up under the cold weather and do not miss a class.

(November, 2018)

November might not have much of appeal. October has Halloween and December has Christmas and year-end parties. There are, however, beautiful autumn leaves, ‘Shichi-Go-San’ and ‘Pocky Day’ in November.
‘Shichi-Go-San, 753’ is the day when we celebrate three-year-old and seven -year-old girls and five-year-old boys. It is originally the 15th of November when people visit shrines for ‘Shichi-Go-San’. Since it is quite congested in the shrines around the 15th, many families visit before or after the busy period these days.
A Japanese confectionary manufacturer, Ezaki Glico has been selling chocolate covered stick biscuits, ‘Pocky’, since 1966. Its figure resembles to the number ‘1’, November 11th, 11/11, is called’ Pocky Day’.
On the 3rd Thursday of November, Beaujolais nouveau is released in France. Japanese fans also long for its same day release in Japan.

Sunday, November 11th Examination of Japanese University Admission for International Students
Wednesday, November 28th Term Examination at Asuka gakuin
Thursday, November 29th through Friday, November 30th After-exam Break
Sunday, December 2nd Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Asuka gakuin roots for its students who do their bests.

October, 2018

It is getting nice and cool in October. Colors of leaves start to change in some places.

People spend their time in many ways. Some think eating seasonal harvest is the best, some enjoy reading books. It is also the best season for sports and art. How are you planning to spend your fall?

We have old Japanese names for 12 months. October’s old name is ‘Kan-na-dsuki’. ‘Kan’ is gods and ‘na’ is no. All gods gather in Izumo in the tenth month and all the other regions are without gods, no god, Kan-na. On the other hand, Izumo region is full of gods in this month and the month’s name is ‘Kami-ari-dsuki’, god-existing month.

September 29th through October 8th Fall break
Tuesday, October 9th School starts for October students
Friday, October 26th Field trip

2nd grade   Hakone tour

1st grade    Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

October students of 2018 go in March,2019.

Learn Japanese and its culture at Asuka Gakuin!



・9月  6日  飛鳥学院の定期試験
・・9月7.8日  試験休み
・9月29日~10月4日  留学生秋休み


・11月12日(日)  留学試験
・11月29日(水)  飛鳥学院定期試験
・11月30日(木)、12月1日(金)  試験休み



・11月30日(木)、12月1日(金) 飛鳥学院定期試験休み
・12月3日(日)         日本語能力試験
・12月23日(金)~1月8日(月) 留学生冬休み


 日本では秋の味覚を代表するものに「さんま」があります。漢字にも秋がついていて『秋刀魚』・・秋の刀のような形をした魚、と書きます。9月中旬から10月上旬の北太平洋 三陸沖を通る時期の秋刀魚が、とても油がのっていて美味しいです。さんまに含まれるEPA(エイコサペタンエン酸)とDHA(ドコサヘキサエン酸)には、血液をサラサラにする成分や脳細胞の成長を促し脳を活性化する働きがあります。新鮮な秋刀魚は、下あごの口角がほんのり黄色くなっています。おおよそ水揚げから3日程度すぎると茶色く変わってきます。
 ・9月 29日(金)~10月4日(火)  留学生 秋休み
 ・10月  5日(水)      10月生新学期
 ・10月  9日(月)      体育の日(祝日)
 ・10月27日(金)予定   留学生遠足(2017年10月生以外)